Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh it feels so good!

Has anyone ever had the distinct pleasure of "sticking it to the man"?

Well, thank you Lord for answered prayers because today was my day!
I've been wrestling with so much at work to try & stick it out through the season for 3 main reasons. 1: For the sake of a good reference. 2: To avoid letting down the bestie who referred me. & 3: Unemployment while I await for the soldier to get his pay started.
I have heard several different reasons rumors as to why or why not I would receive unemployment benefits & so I decided Enough. I'll call & find out myself. LOW & BEHOLD... the only way it seems for me to fight the system to receive benefits in my situation would be if I have to quit my job voluntarily due to a spouse's need of relocation. So, HOLD UP (I say to myself), this whole time the soldier & I have been debating arguing (let's be real) back & forth as to whether or not he should leave out to basic from his hometown (so that he can visit with the family before leaving)... &that's what we really should have planned to do in the first place!? Oh come on!

So, I walked into work today & happily gave my notice. I was like, "Peeeaaace!" - or something similar. =)

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