Thursday, February 3, 2011

OKAY, something like a post =)

So who is the lamest person ever at sitting back & relaxing?
Oh yes.
It's me, hands down. =)

I dropped the little man off to stay with a few of his fave family members & drove down from Memphis to Bama, before the worst of the weather showed up. Thankfully I got here early enough to visit with my soldier for a little bit before his curfew (...street lights are on, hunnie...hehehe...) & then made it to my room. Now I'm here typing away.

Speaking of my little man... Thanks for all the prayers, thoughts & wishes! I am so grateful that people I've never met in person care enough to take a minute out of their daily life for my son. That's just so sweet! God bless ♥

Oh &he is feeling much better & back to fighting the crimes of the world. One big smile at a time! =)

Real quick before I lay down... the day after my kiddo started feeling better, I was layed out in bed with an achey & weak body, on & off fever, feelings of nausea... & at one point during the day, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my left side. I didn't think too much of it at the time because my whole body hurt anyway, but now a couple days later... I'm still having this pain & it's not getting any better. I'm worried that maybe I was right & I am preggo, but perhaps it's an EP? I'm not sure. Has anyone ever experienced an ectopic pregnancy? Or does anyone have any other ideas as to what may be wrong? [insert terrified face here] I'm going to lay down & try to make it through the night without a trip to the ER. I hope to see some sort of doc tomorrow here in Huntsville if it doesn't get better.

w/ LOVE♥

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